Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A tag. :)

I got a tag! (There is always a first for everything.)

So... I must find the novel closest to me (It must be the one closest to you no matter how strange)... Okay got my book. I had to search far for that one because we don't keep many books in the kitchen.

Turn to page 123 and copy out the first four sentences.

...ago, when they sold all they had, and followed the apostles of the church. I therefor thought that we might, in old scottish phrase, "let byganes be byganes," and begin apon a new account. Yet I resolved, like a skillful general, to reconnoitre a little before laying down any precise scheme of proceeding, and in the interim I determined to preserve my incognito.

Not sure what "reconnoitre" means. I'll look it up. It basically means recognize.

So I'm going to tag anybody who wants to be tagged which is everybody so your tagged. :)


  1. You have been awarded! Please look at my blog for the award.

  2. You have been awarded! Check out my blog for further details!


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