Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is a million miles of... :(

It feels like it should be spring right now. The warm sun and the sound of children playing out side evoke images of green grass and trees bursting with bloom. I think I'm going to purposely avoid looking out the windows and just imagine the green grass and dandylions and fresh cool air to breath and all the other wonderful things that come with spring. I'm going to pretend like spring is here for the day 'cause it just feels like a spring day.

I love spring it is so gorgeous and it comes at just the right time. I wonder if I would love it as much if it fell between summer and fall because I wouldn't be as desperate for something green and alive. Spring is love inseasonafied. My birthday is in May! I'm going to be fifteen years old. I feel like I'm going to be just so much older when my birthday comes. I feel that way every year though.

Autumn is my other favorite season. Autumn makes me think of collapsing into piles of leaves and reading [i]the castaway[/i] by William Cowper and that desperate poem that begins [i]my heart is a handful of dust[/i]. Autumn is a incredibly romantic time of year. The sound of the leaves flying away from me when I kick them and the brisk chill in the air makes me feel more alive then ever and ready to conquer whatever hinders my path.

And another thing I love so much about those seasons that breach winter and summer and summer and winter is there diversity of weather. Winter is always Cold and summer is always hot but Autumn and spring bring all kinds of warm and cold weather. Monotony is none-existent.

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." ~ John ruskin

- miss springsick

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