Saturday, January 30, 2010

Here 'tis


I helped the boys clean there bedroom this morning. It went something like this;

Me: Erik pick up a piece of clothing and tell me if it's dirty.

Erik: it's not.

Me: okay well then fold it and put it in your drawer. David, why aren't you folding those pants?

David: Well, um. Katie I can't tell if there dirty or not. Can you tell me if there dirty.

Me: Do they look dirty? do they smell dirty? Erik stop messing with your lollipop for the twentieth time and fold that sweater.

David: I don't know.

Erik: I'm going slow 'cause I'm really bored.

Me: Let me see it David. Looks fine fold it up. The sooner you get done, Erick the sooner you can go and play.

*brief pause well I go out and gather up some of Gunnars blocks.*

Me: Erik! David! Why aren't you guys done with those clothes?

David: I can't fold pants.

Me: You can't WHAT?

*sigh* took them about two hours to fold and put away twenty-five items of clothing.

Ericks birthday was yesterday So we had carrot cake with breakfas this morning. I don't know why but carrot cake is always eseacially scrumptous the day after it was cooked. A ponderable question to be sure.

Hey Ho, goodbye peeps.

zee carrot cake lover.

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