Saturday, January 30, 2010

Here 'tis


I helped the boys clean there bedroom this morning. It went something like this;

Me: Erik pick up a piece of clothing and tell me if it's dirty.

Erik: it's not.

Me: okay well then fold it and put it in your drawer. David, why aren't you folding those pants?

David: Well, um. Katie I can't tell if there dirty or not. Can you tell me if there dirty.

Me: Do they look dirty? do they smell dirty? Erik stop messing with your lollipop for the twentieth time and fold that sweater.

David: I don't know.

Erik: I'm going slow 'cause I'm really bored.

Me: Let me see it David. Looks fine fold it up. The sooner you get done, Erick the sooner you can go and play.

*brief pause well I go out and gather up some of Gunnars blocks.*

Me: Erik! David! Why aren't you guys done with those clothes?

David: I can't fold pants.

Me: You can't WHAT?

*sigh* took them about two hours to fold and put away twenty-five items of clothing.

Ericks birthday was yesterday So we had carrot cake with breakfas this morning. I don't know why but carrot cake is always eseacially scrumptous the day after it was cooked. A ponderable question to be sure.

Hey Ho, goodbye peeps.

zee carrot cake lover.


I wrote a longer blog post on my Aplphasmart and do not fear it will be posted soon. You see I attempted severel times to upload it from My alphasmart on to the computer using one of our more naughty computers. It failed. Horribly. Anyhoo as soon as I have the alphasmart and a sutible coputer together in one place I'll post my post.

the belated Katelyn

Friday, January 22, 2010

hello all you wonderful people of people town!

So hear is a poem I wrote back in 08' for school. It's not very good but I remember working hard on it so I just have to show it to you all. I was supposed to copy the rhyme and rhythm scheme of a famous poem that I liked. See if you can guess the poem I copied it of off. I doubt you'll be able to, the pure lameness of this poem will totally cancel out any association with the other poem.

Rain is falling on my face
dripping on my arms like lace.
Liquid jewels on the grass
puddles are a looking glass.

For the freedom of the wind
I do pine for days on end.
The inhuman songs of heather
played by the wind forever.

Thunder cracks the clouded sky
lightning flashes and then I
run for cover from the gale,
thund'ring hard as flint and nail.

From the safety of the hatch
I do watch the storm dispatch.
To a gentle thrumming rain
all the tempests anger slain.

Rain is falling on my face
resting on my arms like lace.
Liquid jewels on the grass
puddles are a looking glass.

TADAA!Okay, cheesyness! I kind of stuck in some words and phrases throughout the poem that totally didn't work but I needed it to rhyme! Oh well I can't be a genius at everything :P

zee poetess katelyn

Sunday, January 17, 2010


hey everyone!

hmm, so we went to our uncle Marks house for a big party with all our family on our dads side, sense we didn't get together for Christmas or thanksgiving. That was fun. OH, And we got to meet Cousin Scott's girlfriend. She's very pretty and she's good with little kids. :)

It just so happened that when we walked into the room the t.v. was playing "the Count of Monte Cristo" wish I thought was just smashing considering that I'm reading that book at this time. It was at about the middle of the first book when we arrived. Faria and Edmund had just met. So we out to see a good chunk of the movie. And of course I had this overwhelming urge to correct everything that wasn't just like the book. But sense I really get annoyed when somebody else is doing that I had to keep all my comments to myself.

We brought a couple of games along with us so we played speed uno and skip-bo and apples to apples, Heather won apples to apples. The only qualm I have about that game is it has way to many old actors and actresses I have never heard of. I would have won though if it weren't for the fact that Kelsey had picked picking your nose over having an amputation for being the most relaxing.

well that's all I have to say...

Have a nice day!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

deep breathes

Oi everybody,

I'm not worried about not having enough computer time to write in this because of the beauty of my alphasmart Dana. Alphasmarts look like a key board with a screen attached to the top so I can write my post well I'm in the car of before I go to bed. (I'm writing this one at my desk in our sun room) Then next time I get on the computer I can just upload it and post it then have all this glorious extra time on the computer to do other things.

brrr! It's only forty-nine degrees in here! That's what the heater starring at me from across the room says. The poor thing has bee faithfully heating this room for about two hours and the temperature hasn't changed on degree. It isn't it's fault though... I think I'm going to get myself some tea to warm me up.

I love tea. I drank like six glasses of it today. I practically live off the stuff and we've got some really good flavors in the cupboard left over from Christmas. We have Sugar plum, peppermint, nutcracker sweet, sugar cookie sleigh ride, and wonder of wonders gingerbread spice. A acquaintance of mine once told me that tea tastes like dirty water. I have severed my relationship with said person. It was a sacrifice I had to make. :(

Any-hoo I've got to get some of that tea before I freeze from the inside out.

Have a nice next few days all of you,


p.s. I was dying to call this blog great slimy creatures of the deep but some genius out there has it reserved and I was left in the dust. :(
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